Podstawy elektroniki i budowa komputera w symulatorze “Jest to pierwsza część serii Simple High Performance Computing o tytule Podstawy elektroniki i budowa komputera w symulatorze. Swoim zakresem obejmuje zagadnienia związane z elektroniką, a konkretnie jej podstawami, począwszy od pierwotnych zasad fizyki przekładających się na komponenty elektroniczne, z których można budować złożone układy, a finalnie najprostszą obliczeniową maszynę cyfrową. Największy nacisk kładę na praktyczną część zagadnienia, aczkolwiek teoria również jest przedstawiana.“
If you try using darktable 3.6 and previously been using older versions then you may be confused. In lighttable, import pane there are two buttons instead of one. Below you can find a little explanation. 1. Add to library By selecting “add to library” you just collect selected pictures instead of physically copying them. Be sure to check settings, storage, xmp, “write sidecar file each image”. For long time I used this setting to write these xmp files, but recently I decided to skip that option. That way the only option to move around picture with its processing settings is
If you shoot RAW then most probably you need to have dedicated software for processing such files. I use darktable, however it is worth to mention that Windows Explorer and built-in image viewer can display RAW image. Just in case there is no other software available at the moment. Still if you need to edit RAW files and not only browse them then you should try darktable. It is open source, free of charge, available for Windows and Linux. First of all it is great picture browser. You add or copy your files, both from local and remote drives. In
I started wondering if cheap YN lens can be compared with with some cheap Nikkor lens. Yes it can. I shoot same lens cap with Nikon D200 with these two lenses with are Yongnuo 50mm/f1.8 and Nikkor 35 – 70mm f3.3/4.5. I think that comparing fixed lens with zoom lens might be weird, but originally I though that even with zoom, Nikkor should be better. I was wrong. If anyone is not convinced why should you buy fixed-focus prime lens below you have practical explanation. The reason why I even bother to compare them at such a level is that
Some time ago I got rid of my D200. But now I have another one in excellent shape. In the past I upgrade from it to D7100 which is better in terms of resolution, sharpness and features. But there are some differences like image plasticity and color vibrance which make D200 still a very good camera. If shooting low light then D7100 wins for sure because of wider dynamic range, but if lighing is fine and you need not to crop pictures then go with other cameras like D200 or D70s. They work very well and produces fine images.