Tag: AI/ML


GPU passthru in Proxmox for OpenCL, ufff

Finally I got it working. I think so. This Proxmox installation is simple one, just single node for experiments which is half part. The other part is VM configuration. You may ask, what exactly for do I need GPU in VM? I may need because the hardware is capable of running several additional GPUs and I can use all of them at once in different configurations and even in different operation systems. Just like people do in cloud environments and this setup mimics such thing running server-like computer with datacenter-like GPUs on board. During this test I used NVIDIA GTX


Text processing in OpenCL

OpenCL is excellent in the field of numbers, but not that much into text processing. It lacks even basic functions available in regular C99. So the question is if it is worth trying to process some text in it. In my OpenCL base project (which can be found here) I’ve added “aiml” module. It loads over 31k lines of text with over 4 mln characters. The text itself is in the first buffer of uchar array. Second buffer holds pointers and lenghts of consecutive lines being work-items, so there are over 31k of such work-items. Third buffer is a result