
Proxmox VE & pfSense on Hetzner dedicated servers

There is not too much a precise documentation from Hetzner available if you want to know what exactly you should do to run dedicated servers with primary and secondary public IP, virtual machines and vSwitch. There are some articles but they are written in non-informative way. However their support is on very high level so far, they respond quickly.

Debian & Proxmox Installation

So, to go with Proxmox on Hetzner you will need to know that there is supported installation. You restart your server into rescue system (remember to power cycle your server) and then there is Proxmox to choose from but it is said that there is no support for it, just like it would be for other systems… If you play around with somehow complex environment you should yourself be prepared to overcome all obstacles not relaying on third parties. So now you are in the rescue system and instead of selecting Proxmox, you choose latest Debian installation.

For Debian you disable software RAID as it might and will be incompatible with ZFS later on. You put your domain name registered in public DNS. Future domain change will be difficult no to say that is may be impossible (from Proxmox perspective). Depending on your disk configuration in the server you possibly may want to adjust mount points configuration. I prefer to put Proxmox on smaller disk and to allocate all of available space to root mount instead of setting various smaller mount points. Once you are done with it save changes (F10) and wait until it prompts you to reboot.

After server reboots you are going to install Proxmox on it:

echo "deb [arch=amd64] bullseye pve-no-subscription" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pve-install-repo.list
wget -O /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/proxmox-release-bullseye.gpg 
apt update && apt full-upgrade
apt install proxmox-ve postfix open-iscsi
systemctl reboot
apt remove linux-image-amd64 'linux-image-5.10*'
apt remove os-prober
systemctl reboot

Network Configuration

You will access your Proxmox VE UI at your public IP, port 8006. Next go to Hetzner panel and create new vSwitch instance. Add your server to newly created vSwitch. Applying network configuration takes around a minute in Hetzner. In Proxmox go to node settings and navigate to System – Network and create two empty bridges, call it vmbr0 and vmbr1. First one is for main public IP which will be used for accessing Proxmox only. Second one is for LAN as every virtual machine and container will have its own IP within the server only. For VLAN at vSwitch we are going to create bridge and VLAN manually in /etc/network/interfaces a little later. After creating these two bridge apply configuration and reboot server.

In the interfaces file remove IPv6 and any comments. First of all in most cases you will not need IPv6. If your setup requires “public” IPv6 then for now I will not try to advise anything in this matter. I think it is a very useful in things like IoT or mobile networks but for regular consumer servers not too much. You may have different point of view and it is fine, I disable IPv6 by habit. For instance my ISP provider do not offer IPv6 connectivity.

So now, we have two blank bridges and removed IPv6. Now it’s time to configure main and additional public IPv4 as well as LAN and VLAN. So let’s get started with this one. Ethernet devices start with “en” followed by “p” for PCI bus with N as a consecutive number, then “s” for slot and its number. So for instance enp5s0 can be identified as Ethernet PCI number 5 slot 0. There are also other naming conventions for WLAN and WWAN devices as well as various source of this devices like BIOS or kernel based.

source /etc/network/interfaces.d/*

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

iface lo inet6 loopback

auto enpNs0
iface enpNs0 inet manual

Further part of network configuration file of vmbr0 bridge used for main and additional public IP:

auto vmbr0
iface vmbr0 inet static
  address 65.109.x.x/MASK
  gateway 65.109.x.x
  pointopoint 65.109.x.x # same as gateway
  bridge-ports enpNs0 # device name
  bridge-stp off
  bridge-fd 0
  up route add -net 65.109.x.x netmask 255.255.255.x gw 65.109.x.x dev vmbr0 # main IP route
  up ip route add 65.109.x.x/32 dev vmbr0 # additional IP route
  post-up ip route add x.x.x.0/24 via 65.109.x.x dev vmbr0 # LAN network via additional IP

First, few words of explaination. Address is your primary public IPv4. Gateway and pointopoint are here the same. First route added is the default one which comes from installation process, so just copy it here (should be same as in Hetzner admin portal). Second route defines additional public IPv4 address. Last one is LAN network of your choice which is passed thru vmbr0 and additional IPv4 address to outside world.

This LAN network is configured as a blank bridge and all configuration required is setup inside the gateway appliance (e.g. pfSense) and VM itself:

auto vmbr1
iface vmbr1 inet manual
	bridge-ports none
	bridge-stp off
	bridge-fd 0

The last section of network configuration file is for VLAN:

iface enpNs0.400X inet manual
auto vmbr400X
iface vmbr400X inet manual
	address 10.x.x.1/16 # VLAN gateway and network range
	bridge_ports enp41s0.400X
	bridge_sftp off
	bridge_fd 0
	mtu 1400 # important to have

We create Linux VLAN device and bridge. We define address which will be used as a local gateway for accessing machines outside the box. It is required to set up MTU with 1400.

Virtual MAC at pfSense

For LAN within the single server and outside world connectivity (internet) we use pfSense gateway. Setup is straightforward, we give it two network interfaces. First one is for WAN with additional public IPv4. We need to ask for virtual MAC in Hetzner admin panel. Second interface is for LAN and it can have automatically generated MAC address. All virtual machines within LAN should be addressed within network defined in vmbr1 with gateway set as local pfSense. For inter-server communication within VLAN we give for VM additional network interface pointed at vmbr400X device and set network within range defined at that bridge pointing bridge IP as a gateway.

Single gateway across several physical boxes

I mentioned before, that you should use both LAN and VLAN for your machines, however you might decide to go differently. You can set up single pfSense gateway with LAN and VLAN and point other VMs route at this pfSense VLAN address. One thing to remember is that you must set MTU as 1400. Any other values will give you weird results, like ping and DNS working but no bigger transfers as they exceed packet limit that is allowed at vSwitch. So setting up proper MTU value will give you ability to route your outbound internet traffic via single pfSense. It is a questionable setup as it has single point of failure. Other downside of this is that you need to keep track of public IPv4 addresses you want to use at your single gateway as this IP is bind to particular server at Hetzner with MAC address. Maybe there is a solution for this but not for now.

Note: Setup like this requires adding third network adapter to pfSense gateway.