
Selective routing thru multiple pfSense and OpenVPN

Lets say you want to pass traffic from your local container/VM via some external pfSense box. This way there is no need to setup VPN on each container you want to include in the setup. There is OpenVPN option to pass all traffic thru the tunnel, but it breaks several other things both locally and on remote pfSense box.

So there is this network configuration:

Local virtualizated pfSense purpose is to pass-thru traffic. So it has only one interface which is WAN. No LAN interface over there. Addressing can be the same as on local physical pfSense.

You need to first setup OpenVPN client (CA, certificate, user and connection) and then create interface assignment upon this connection. It will called something like ovpncX. Remember that OpenVPN is restricted name so you need to call your interface with other name.

To differentiate traffic from LXC/VM create pass rule with source set at this LXC/VM and in advanced settings point OpenVPN client gateway. Remember to put this rule before any other catch-all rules. Once you got OpenVPN client and pass rule, go to NAT outbound and set manual outbound NAT to enter rule manually. Use LXC/VM address as source and select OpenVPN client interface.

To differentiate traffic from other LXC/VM not to pass traffic thru OpenVPN client, add another NAT outbound (no need to set pass rule here as we use default gateway) and set WAN interface and other LXC/VM address as source.

Now you would have one LXC/VM passing traffic thru remote OpenVPN (via OpenVPN client) and the other LXC/VM passiing traffic regularly thru WAN into secondary physical pfSense and then into the internet. This way you can manage how to expose your traffic to public internet.