Tag: Ubuntu


pg gem on Ubuntu 22

I thought that installing pg gem on my clean Ubuntu 22 will be easy, but no. I got some weird message: So I tried to force installation: After this: On this Ubuntu 22 release installing Ruby interpreter from packages you got 3.0.2p107. The problem might be because of pgadmin4 which I installed before, so it could break something.


SMB shares on Ubuntu 22 server

SMB shares can be created either with UI on a desktop version or command line on a server installation. You can use this shares both on Linux stations and Windows boxes as well. We are going to create editors group and add current user to this group. Share location is under /data folder which is owner by editors group who’s participants can read and write to this shares folders. Now once again edit smb.conf file to add a share configuration: Restart smbd service: And the last thing is to map system users to SMB users:


Reinstalling GRUB

In one of my previous posts I mentioned some troubles regarding reinstalling Ubuntu 22, loosing ability to select OS and to boot at all actually. I found that Ubuntu 20 recognizes properly my fresh Windows installation but Ubuntu 22 does not. So I stayed with version 20 however here was no OS selection, which translates to broken GRUB installation. After Ubuntu 20 installation finished it tried to put bootloader but failed to do this because of drives numbering. My first drive in Lenovo Thinkpad T420s is mSATA but computer and operating system thinks that this is my second drive. My


Windows/Ubuntu dual boot issues

I have dual boot on my Lenovo Thinkpad T420s, Windows 10 and Ubuntu 22. Actually I had, because I tried to reinstall Ubuntu 22 and I’ve lost my dual boot and ability to boot at all. So I tried few things: reformat manually EFI and root partitions os-prober and update-grub setting root and prefix at grub rescue grub-install Windows installation troubleshooting Unfortunately it does not work. Something went terribly wrong. To bring back Windows first boot from installation media and go for command prompt: This way I was able to boot into Windows once again, but unable to do it


Ubuntu resize LVM

During installation Ubuntu will create LVM with half of the space available. In order to expand it to whole space available you need to extend logical volume and expand file system as follow:s


Allow .local domain suffix to be resolved

On many chances you may need to configure some domains using .local suffix. Unfortunately this is covered by RFC 6762 (multicast DNS). On specific Linux distributions you will not be able to resolv such domains using DNS server you set either in the machine or in the cloud settings (for instance Azure). How to you know that the DNS query is not reaching your desired DNS server? In case you use named, then first enable query logging by the following comman: Now DNS queries from the clients who set that particular DNS server as its resolved will be visible in


Package is in a very bad inconsistent state

Aborting Ubuntu packages update via Ansible gave me some weird state of libatk-wrapper-java-jni package. My playbook installs default-jre and it was painfully slow so I thought that there is some lockup, but there was not. My VM performed poorly at that moment, probably due to the fact that it came from a HDD with badblocks which got migrated to another one. It just works, but I’m not 100% sure if it is healhty. So… in case you have some broken package installation try: And now you are good to go with autoclean, update and possibly upgrade to check whether really


Docker Registry on Ubuntu 20.04

Docker Registry could be useful in various scenarios, but the most common would be containers orchestration software such as Kubernetes, OpenShift/OKD or Nomad. In example environment you could have Gitlab CI pipeline configured to build Docker image and push it to your registry and then let orchestration software to deploy it to a cluster. In order to install internal, private Docker Registry you need to install Docker package first. Then you need to grab certificate and start docker registry container: This way we start a registry container which will always be up and running. We bind it on port 443


Ubuntu 21 (impish) updates unavailable

I was trying to add some new packages and figured it out that my Ubuntu 21 is out of date. Unfortunately some time ago I unchecked all repositories in Software & Updates so my /etc/apt/sources.list was empty. But I managed to have it working properly adding this one: Next and I was more or less back on the track. How trivial was it just to be able to install default-jre package as I am trying to learn how to build custom deb packages.