Managing self-hosted Sentry is pretty straightforward. However due to high number of containers which Sentry is comprised of, there is high chance that we can encounter some kind of issues due to obvious nature of software development products which consists by definition some flaws. So this time Sentry is getting traffic from embedded agents but payload is not complete. It lacks processing of transactions. So first we need to dive into Kafka groups. With the following, we can inspect the state of topics: We can learn that something is out of date or nothing processes some topics. So using docker
If you have Sentry on-premise installed and run out of space, then bringing it back can be a little bit tricky. Especially if you have tons of projects configured with loads of data coming into it. If you can accept some in-memory data to be lost then search for redis container and flush it. Sentry can use hundreds of GB of both RAM and swap and still do not start. So, first search for Redis, as it ca be named differently depending on your Sentry version: Once you flushed Redis, run full restart and it should start within acceptable time