Tag: Opera


Make Opera browser great again!

Get rid of ads and stop sending your data for free to Opera Little history My favourite browser was Opera for so many years. Between 2000 and 2005 it was adware showing, well… ads. In 2005 ads have been remove as the financing came from Google, Opera’s default search engine. In 2013 Opera dropped its own rendering engine in favor to Chromium. In 2023 Opera gets some AI features. What is all about? I still like Opera. It has this great multi workspace feature, battery saving mode and in general it is much more capable of running plenty of tabs


Video playback not working on LinkedIn in Opera on Ubuntu 22

On fresh installation of Ubuntu 22, using Opera for video playback can be an issue. So even after installing all things that you may think it could help – it does not work. The solution is to install chromium-ffmpeg and copy its libffmpeg.so library into Opera installation folder. Be aware that snap installation path differs in few places so check your installation. After copying ffmpeg library, just restart Opera and the video, previously not loading in LinkedIn, will work.