IP2Location is a IP address databases where you can find the latest IP to location associations. The complete IPv4 range is 4 294 967 296 addresses which is 32 bit. IP2Location contains 4 291 944 710 addresses which is a little less. However as much as 608 487 295 addresses come with no location set. It is because of: Above should not have location set as those are special IPv4 ranges. So valid commercial (and non-commercial also) use IPv4 addresses count should be somewhere near value of 3 683 457 415, which is all addresses minus addresses without location. DARPA
Among 3 million public IP address ranges for the whole world, 68k belongs to the Russian Federation. This translates into 45 million addresses. Scanning the HTTP port on this population took 20 hours. I obtained 630k IP addresses with listening on port 80. Of which 530k gives the correct answer of the HTTP type. Only 340k gives an HTTP 200 response. Over 200k run on NGINX servers, and 100k run on Apache. When analyzing the content, you will find GitLab, Kibana, Zabbix or Grafana installations open for registration and use, but also copies of databases, video surveillance systems, etc. My