
Dual WAN with failover in pfSense

Once in a while there is outage in my main internet connection. In order to keep everything up and running (fortunately) we can setup secondary WAN over LTE connection. Start with connecting your device (e.g. LTE router) over ethernet cable to pfSense box. Then in pfSense itself go to System.Routing.Gateways and a secondary one. Be sure to first activate your secondary interface in Interfaces. You cannot have same monitor IP on both gateways so try to point at well known addresses. Then go to Gateway Groups and configure as follows: At this point you should have both gateways up and


Proxmox 8 on Scaleway

Bare metal servers offered at Scaleway are at reasonable prices, which can be compared to those on Hetzner. You even get Proxmox installation by default contrary to Hetzner were you need to install Debian first. To setup Proxmox with one public IP anf pfSense with another one you need to order Flexible IP and request for virtual MAC address. Remember that on Scaleway’s flexible IPs gateway is fixed and it is Then for the network configuration: x.x.x.x is primary Proxmox public IP. y.y.y.y is its gateway (with a.a.a.a network with b.b.b.b netmask). z.z.z.z is then your secondary public IP


Almost private-only Proxmox cluster

If you wonder if it is possible to have private-only Proxmox cluster in Hetnzer, then the answer is yes, almost. Of couse you can order dedicated hardware to hide your boxes from public eyes, but if you are not going that way, then you can try other way. Configuration of the first box: Configuration of the second, private-only, box:


oc rsync takes down OKD master processes

It might sound a little weird, but that’s the case. I was trying to setup NFS mount in OKD docker registry (from this tutorial). During oc rsync from inside docker-registry container I found that OKD master processes are down because of heath check thinking that there is some connectivity problem. This arised because oc rsync does not have rate limiting feature and it I fully utilized local network then there is no bandwidth left for the cluster itself. Few things taken out from logs (/var/log/messages): The starting transfer from docker-registry container is at the of 200MB/s. I’m not quite sure


Conditional Nginx logging

Logging all HTTP traffic is often unnecessary. It especially applies to website which include not only text content but also all kind of additional components, like JavaScripts, stylesheets, images, fonts etc. You can select what you would like to log inclusively, but it is much easier to do this by conditional negative selection. First define log format, then create conditional mapping, last thing is to specify logger with decision variable. For instance: This way we are not going to log any of additional stuff and keep only regular pages in the log. Will be more useful for further traffic analysis


Compatibility of Suricata IPS on Proxmox

For non-users of either Proxmox or Suricata: the first one is virtualization appliance which helps firing up virtual machines as well as LXC containers and the latter is network traffic security system which is able to identify (IDS mode) or even block malicious traffic (IPS mode). Suricata works just fine on Proxmox which is usually installed on Debian Linux, but sometimes there are some hardware/software compatibility issues which I’m going to tell you about right now… Having Proxmox server exposed in public space could be really not the best way possible. However if there is no chance for dedicated hardware,


Demaskowanie “możliwości” ChatGPT

Wstęp Dzisiaj wyjątkowo będzie po polsku na temat ChatGPT. Zadałem sobie nieco trudu i wypróbowałem jego “możliwości” z zakresu programowania jako, że zasłyszałem o takiej opcji. Moim ulubionym w ostatnim czasie tematem jest OpenCL, zatem…. JA: to napisz mi kernel OpenCL który służy do sortowanie liczb zmiennoprzecinkowych Dostałem sortowanie bąbelkowe…. i to jeszcze na floatach. W sumie to nie poprosiłem o double, więc nie mogę narzekać. Ale serio, sortowanie bąbelkowe, na GPU w OpenCL? Konwersacja Spróbowałem porozmawiać na ten temat z chatem tak aby dowiedzieć się dlaczego tak zaproponował oraz czy po kilku wskazówkach nie mógłby zrewidować swoich odpowiedzi na


Mounting SSD drive as swap in VM

First of all this SSD drive which I use is somehow faulty. It is a Goodram SSDPR-CX400-01T-G2 drive of 1TB. It have been working fine for few weeks until some construction worker made a electric short causing some abnormal frequences in wires resulting a faulty drives and memory sticks. One of victim was this drive: This drives for sure has some issues as at least one of tools shows that it as a problematic badblocks. Second of all in regular use it fails to run VM. It once switched into read-only mode in VM filesystem then after formatting it it


iRedMail mail server with SPF and DKIM

Having your own mail server could be useful but also sometimes dangereous. I am happy to see appliance such as iRedMail which cover variaty of topics regarding a somehow complete solution. I pick Ubuntu 22 on Hetzner. First you create DNS A record for your mail server and following by this a MX record pointing at that A record. Be sure to set proper hostname in the system. You can check it with: Ensure you have it set also in /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname. Next download iRedMail installer and script. It will prompt for various things but in my case