
Hetzner Cloud with pfSense gateway

Instead of using dedicated Hetzner servers you can use their cloud solutions for less demanding use case scenarios. The idea is to have one server for pfSense and the other one for regular private use, hidden behind gateway. It will be little bit cheaper than renting dedicated server as CX22 costs around 3 – 4 Euro per month comparing to 50 Euro at least for dedicated server. You can have up to 10 virtual cloud server in a price of single dedicated server. Choose cloud for “simple” (or rather straightforward) solutions, dedicated servers for much complicated setups with much more

Hobby Technology

Design and 3D-print wall switch in OpenSCAD

So we decided to try Zigbee wall switches and many of available brands work with Fibaro. But not all of them and not in all configurations. Even if some switch or module works it may only work with Tuya gateway and application and not with Fibaro gateway. So there are some blanks in this concept. We left with double frame with electronic switch and one blank for shutters as there is no compatible switch or module at this time. So I thought: maybe I just 3D-print it… OpenSCAD code: Few test desigs: Let’s print them: And here we go! Now


NextCloud 26 update failed

I use NextCloud as alternative to Google Photos. My smartphone sends pictures over OpenVPN to my NextCloud instance. However for over a year Android application has been showing notification that server version is outdated, and from time to time automatic upload do not work. So I decided that it is the time to do an upgrade. It did not work well: I tried to run upgrade using UI. It got stuck in various places, and finally I got this: But there is much simpler option. Install fresh copy of NextCloud. I prefer using VM ISO ( instead of LXC containers.


Elasticsearch & Kibana: version 8.x installation

At Indatify we use PostgreSQL for most of the time when dealing with data. We tried to use Cassandra, but for now it is too much of a constraint in such dynamic data environment. We put it on shelf. However, for textual data we choose Elasticsearch, because we know it and it provides full text search out of the box. Later, we will come back to Cassandra, but with more specified use case, as it requires precise data model to be predefined by query and not by structure. So, to install Elasticsearch (if running without sudo, then run from root):


Maxed-out HP z800 RAM: 384 GB of DDR3

In our lab we have 2 x HP z800 workstations. It is somehow ridiculous piece of hardware in terms of today standards. It’s got over 1 kW power supply, dual CPU motherboard and 12 memory slots. It is loud, draws loads of power and it’s got comparable gen 1 Intel CPUs as well as DDR3 – slow – memory. However it costs close to nothing and it is suitable for most small and mid applications. Official documentation says that the maximum memory capacity is 192GB of DDR3, which is 12 x 16 GB sticks working at 800 MHz. If we


PostgreSQL streaming replication with physical replication slot

Create dedicated replication user: Then add physical replication slot, in order to stay in sync with WAL. Without it, if applying logs on replica will be too slow, main server could drop logs which replica did not consume yet, leading to broken replication: Then stop replica server and remove PGDIR/VERSION/main folder. Start copying: Adjust configuraton discrepancies between main and replica servers, such connections limit and then start replica server. To verify replication status, run on main server:


Sentry: broken transactions section

Managing self-hosted Sentry is pretty straightforward. However due to high number of containers which Sentry is comprised of, there is high chance that we can encounter some kind of issues due to obvious nature of software development products which consists by definition some flaws. So this time Sentry is getting traffic from embedded agents but payload is not complete. It lacks processing of transactions. So first we need to dive into Kafka groups. With the following, we can inspect the state of topics: We can learn that something is out of date or nothing processes some topics. So using docker


CentOS 7.9.2009 repository configuration

As for year 2025 there is no more updates for CentOS 7.9.2009. Moreover you need to adjust repository file as network locations changed a little bit. So edit /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo as follows: Then recreate yum cache: And if necessary: Now you are good to go with packages installation. If installing rkhunter, remember to install epel-release and then in case you did no enable EPEL to be enable by default which is the most probably situation.


RPCEnvironment init request failed

I thought of adding another Proxmox node to the cluster. Instead of having PBS on separate physical box I wanted to have it virtualized, same as on any other environment I setup. So I installed fresh copy of the same Proxmox VE version and tried to join the cluster. And then this message came: And plenty other regarding hostname, SSH keys, quorum etc. Finally Proxmox UI went broke as I was unable to sign in. Restarting cluster services ended with some meaningless information. So I was a little bit worried about the situation. Of cource I got backup of all