DES cipher is 40 times faster in OpenCL

OpenCL implementation od DES cipher is way faster than regular single-threaded C program. 1 mln encryptions take less than a second on RTX 3050 Ti, but also as much as almost 40 seconds on Intel i5-10200h single-thread application. Lack of compact and extremely portable SSL/TLS library in pre C++11 project made me think about going for something easy to implement on my own concerning data encryption. I’ve selected DES, which stands for Data Encryption Standard because of my general understanding of such algorithm. It comes from 1975 and has certain limitations including short key length or known weak keys. But


Failed to load library

Today I came back to my OpenCL project (can be found here). I have had not tried it on my fresh Ubuntu 22 installation on my Dell g15 with RTX 3050 Ti. Altough I’ve got NVIDIA driver metapackage installed my program reported that there is some problem with shared library: You can check if the driver is selected in system About window. So there it is in my case, but nvidia-selector command reports that I have nvidia-driver-525 which is weird as drivers tab says I have installed driver 470. On the other hand, running nvidia-smi command says I have enable


pg gem on Ubuntu 22

I thought that installing pg gem on my clean Ubuntu 22 will be easy, but no. I got some weird message: So I tried to force installation: After this: On this Ubuntu 22 release installing Ruby interpreter from packages you got 3.0.2p107. The problem might be because of pgadmin4 which I installed before, so it could break something.


c++11 on MacOS 10.8.5 or even 10.4.11

I tried to compile my c++ code with c++11 features on GCC 4.2.1 which is default on my MacBookPro3,1 with MacOS 10.8.5. I used random library, so I needed newer version of GCC, 4.7 at least to be more precise. I already have MacPorts on this machine (installation guide can be found here). So: No I can compile: Even that you use GCC 5.5.0 you need to pass flag to enable c++11. If someone thinks that this was too easy, then lets try to do this on MacOS 10.4.11 on PowerBook3,4. First thing is to install XCode 2.5 which suppose


SMB shares on Ubuntu 22 server

SMB shares can be created either with UI on a desktop version or command line on a server installation. You can use this shares both on Linux stations and Windows boxes as well. We are going to create editors group and add current user to this group. Share location is under /data folder which is owner by editors group who’s participants can read and write to this shares folders. Now once again edit smb.conf file to add a share configuration: Restart smbd service: And the last thing is to map system users to SMB users:



In case you use ever changing outbound public IP connection like in Microsoft Azure, then you can try create machine with public IP and passing your local traffic to remote site via simplaproxy. L switch is for local and R is for remote. To make it durable you can try creating systemd service or keep it open on screen session.


MikroTik basic reconfiguration

In case you have access to MikroTik device without UI available, only CLI then you possibly would like to know how to do some basic reconfiguration to gain access to admin panel listening on local network. So… to change user password: To see all the configuration: To create PPTP VPN: To adjust firewall for PPTP VPN: To enable HTTP web configuration: Now, once you connect thru PPTP VPN to the remote host, you can access UI. But if you set as an address then you may also be able to connect to it using public address.


OpenShift 4.11 TLS handshake timeout on oc login

Finally after OKD 3.11 support has ended I’ve decided to try 4.x releases. I found that there is quite nice installation assistant available on (Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console). So I tried it and installed new cluster on my dedicated hardware. I set up all things as usual which is project, token and GitLab runner. Unfortunately on oc login command there was error “TLS handshake timeout”. Investigation was quite broad including replacing docker base images, downloading custom oc binary, doing regular networking diagnostics etc. In the end it turned out that there was issue with MTU and as it


Proxmox Backup Server timeout on disk initialization

I installed Proxmox Backup Server several times, both on bare metal and virtualized inside Proxmox VE. This time I did it in PVE as virtual machine and encountered an issue while initializing disk with GPT, creating directory, LVM or ZFS. In other words, I was unable to create any datastore at all. So there is CLI that can help us: And that’s all, it works fine. In UI I got timeout. No idea why. Fortunately there is a alternative path.