I have dual boot on my Lenovo Thinkpad T420s, Windows 10 and Ubuntu 22. Actually I had, because I tried to reinstall Ubuntu 22 and I’ve lost my dual boot and ability to boot at all. So I tried few things: reformat manually EFI and root partitions os-prober and update-grub setting root and prefix at grub rescue grub-install Windows installation troubleshooting Unfortunately it does not work. Something went terribly wrong. To bring back Windows first boot from installation media and go for command prompt: This way I was able to boot into Windows once again, but unable to do it
In case you would like to have PPTP VPN server but no such is installed. But first things first. For such an obsolete hardware and software keep in mind that accessing it requires passing old host key algorithms and cipers. Then: If you have other VPN types enabled, better disable it as you will be using PPTP and not SSTP or OpenVPN/WireGuard. Now, for HTTP access, most of the time it will be configured for local network access only. We can change this: Changing HTTP UI port to something different than default will give us ability to run other service
Until recently I did not know that honeypots I encounter are based on Cowrie. But it does not change much to be honest. I already seen almost 100 of these while randomly exploring things on the internet. It was first thought that they are honeypots, by pure intuition. You enter a system and run ps to list processes and see broad range of things like: ejabberd (erlang) nginx worker process VBoxService mysqld But on the other hand you are unable to run top command or any other which normally are available on valid systems. Then comes to your mind that
If for some unknown reasons you need to connect thru SSH to some outdated server using Ruby code, then you are in the right place. But first a little piece of theory behind it. There are 4 configurable things in OpenSSH concerning security configuration: KexAlgorithms: per-connection keys (key exchange) HostkeyAlgorithms: public key to identify server to clients Ciphers: connection encryption MACs: message authentication codes As time passes various algorithms become deprecated and are known to be vulnerable. However there are tons of servers on the internet and on private networks which still use these old things. On a regular SSH
I was replacing drives and memory in one of servers and out of a sudden node was unable to start. When finally it booted it was gone out of cluster. Weird. This node has been installed on SSD drive which had 2 years or constant runtime. Debian prompted with some file system issue at one and another time. After few reboots finally it booted successfuly but node was unable to communicate properly with other cluster members. I tried to start time synchro from the stratch to no avail. I pulled out other drives than this one with operating system without
If you own this router then you might be interested how to setup VPN Server. I am personally interested in a way of how to do this using CLI only. It looks easy however there is one odd settings you should be aware of. To start with, it will be PPTP VPN server, but as far as I know this KeeneticOS can set up also OpenVPN and possibly WireGuard, but as always PPTP is the easiest to configure. Start with logging into the box. It might sound obvious, but there are plenty of hardware which requires now unsuported algorithms and
On Wive-NG router when talking about VPN you have either PPP or WireGuard. As PPP is first listed so I tried it before trying WireGuard. Here are my thoughts. Configuration is pretty simple. In the router menu, go to Services – VPN Server. Then select PPTP protocol. In the Users section create new user with login and password and that’s all from the server side. From the client side it is also pretty simple. First install pptp-linux: Next thing is to fill configuration file with settings as follows: With this configuration it is time to activate connection: To disable connection:
During installation Ubuntu will create LVM with half of the space available. In order to expand it to whole space available you need to extend logical volume and expand file system as follow:s
Possibility that you own or operate EcoRouter 2008 with EcoBNGOS are very low. However just in case you will have to work with this one it will be useful to know at least some basic commands. I choose user password change as it is the most important thing at first glace after setup, so: After this logout and login again to check if it is working. On some routers there might be a problem with not enough disk space to save configuration change, that’s why you need to also check if the change has been applied properly.