

Make Opera browser great again!

Get rid of ads and stop sending your data for free to Opera Little history My favourite browser was Opera for so many years. Between 2000 and 2005 it was adware showing, well… ads. In 2005 ads have been remove as the financing came from Google, Opera’s default search engine. In 2013 Opera dropped its own rendering engine in favor to Chromium. In 2023 Opera gets some AI features. What is all about? I still like Opera. It has this great multi workspace feature, battery saving mode and in general it is much more capable of running plenty of tabs


NIS 2: anti-rootkit & anti-virus installation and scanning with Ansible

If you run digital services platform or critical infrastructure then most probably you are covered by NIS 2 and its requirements including those concerning information security. Even if you are not covered by NIS 2, then still you may benefit from its regulations which seem to be similar with those coming from ISO 27001. In this article I show how to automatically deploy anti-rootkit and anti-virus software for your Linux workstations and servers. TLDR By using rkhunter anti-rootkit and ClamAV anti-virus you are closer to NIS 2 and ISO 27001 and farther away from threats like cryptocurrency miners and ransomware.


Encrypt with LUKS an unencrypted LVM Ubuntu 22 Server without system reinstallation

Keep your data safe. Device loss or unauthorized access can be mitigated by encrypting drive in your server and workstation. So you may have a Ubuntu Linux installation on your bare metal or virtual machine. Does it have an encrypted drive? If the answer is no, then you could be in trouble when device is stolen or lost, or someone just gained unauthorized access to your hardware. In this short step-by-step article you can see what steps your should take to encrypt your unencrypted drives without need to reinstall the system. When speaking workstation, there is much less concern about


External and redundand Azure VM backups with Veeam to remote site

Backup is a must. Primary hardware fails. Local backups can also fail or can be inaccessible. Remote backups can also fail, but if you have 2, 3 or even more backup copies in different places and on various medium chances are high enough that you will survive major incidents without data loss or too much of being offline. Talking about Microsoft Azure public cloud platform. But in case of any infrastructure environment you should have working and verified backup tools. Azure has its own. To keep those backups in secure remote place (in the context of Storage Account) you can


Recovering Proxmox VM from failed HDD

Due to previous failure of SSD drive from Goodram I was forced to use brand new 1TB HDD from Toshiba. It was not a problem because the system running on it mainly have been using writes with not too much reads. My SSD drive had some performance drops which could be because of the fact being run out of the same power socket shared with some DIY tools in garage. Now there is no power socket sharing I think that I may close server lid with too much force, so even brand new HDD failed. Proxmox reported failure of disk


Germany BSI abuse message prevention

In case of an Abuse message from BSI (in Germany), the following services must be enabled and disabled: Verify in 2 ways: Cutting with DROP traffic by Suricata IPS is not sufficient, because not all possible traffic signatures on port 111 are used and in most cases this port can be enumerated.


Dual WAN with failover in pfSense

Once in a while there is outage in my main internet connection. In order to keep everything up and running (fortunately) we can setup secondary WAN over LTE connection. Start with connecting your device (e.g. LTE router) over ethernet cable to pfSense box. Then in pfSense itself go to System.Routing.Gateways and a secondary one. Be sure to first activate your secondary interface in Interfaces. You cannot have same monitor IP on both gateways so try to point at well known addresses. Then go to Gateway Groups and configure as follows: At this point you should have both gateways up and


Compatibility of Suricata IPS on Proxmox

For non-users of either Proxmox or Suricata: the first one is virtualization appliance which helps firing up virtual machines as well as LXC containers and the latter is network traffic security system which is able to identify (IDS mode) or even block malicious traffic (IPS mode). Suricata works just fine on Proxmox which is usually installed on Debian Linux, but sometimes there are some hardware/software compatibility issues which I’m going to tell you about right now… Having Proxmox server exposed in public space could be really not the best way possible. However if there is no chance for dedicated hardware,


DNS privacy issues

Until recently I though that having DNS subdomain entries provides enough obscurity thus should it be secure. If your DNS server does not offer transfering domain to another place then any subdomains should be hidden from public sight. Transfers, if enabled (or rather misconfigured) could be made by: Second thing is querying for ANY option, but it does not mean “all”: So, with disabled transfers and lack of exactly private entries while quering for any, you would think that you are on a safe side. And that is actually wrong. There are two 3 options on a table: Someone run