Block AI web-scrapers from stealing your website content
Did you know that you may block AI-related web-scrapers from downloading your whole websites and actually stealing your content. This way LLM models will need to have different data source for learning process!
Why you may ask? First of all, AI companies make money on their LLM, so using your content without paying you is just stealing. It applies for texts, images and sounds. It is intellectual property which has certain value. Long time ago I placed on my website a license “Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives” and guest what… it does not matter. I did not receive any attribution. Dozens of various bot visit my webiste and just download all the content. So I decided…
… to block those AI-related web-crawling web-scraping bots. And no, not by modyfing robots.txt file (or any XML sitemaps) as it might be not sufficient in case of some chinese bots as they just “don’t give a damn”. Neither I decided to use any kind of plugins or server extenstions. I decided to go hard way:
location / {
if ($http_user_agent ~* "Bytespider") { return 403; }
And decide to which exactly HTTP User Agent (client “browser” in other words) I would like to show middle finger. For those who do not stare at server logs at least few minutes a day, “Bytespider” is a scraping-bot from ByteDance company which owns TikTok. It is said that this bot could possible download content to feed some chinese LLM. Chinese or US it actually does not matter. If you would like to use my content, either pay me or attribute usage of my content. How you may ask? To be honest I do not know.
There is either hard way (as with NGINX blocking certain UA) or diplomacy way which could lead to creating a websites catalogue which do not want to participate in AI feeding process for free. I think there are many more content creators who would like to get some piece of AI birthday cake…