Object detection and scene description: various libraries/frameworks tested lately

No, cant use Tesla K20xm with 6GB VRAM for modern computation as it has Compute Capability parameter lower than required 7.0. Here you have table of my findings about libraries/frameworks, required hardware and its purpose.

I started with DeepStack, where I was able to run API server for object detection, Frigate has support for it. Later on, with TensorRT on NVIDIA GPU I can run Yolov7x-640 model also for object detection, Frigate works well with it. With Google Coral TPU USB module we can run SSD MobileNet or EfficientDet models with great power efficency for good price. Ollama with moondream is both general purpose and computer vision description if run with moondream model, works great with Frigate for scene outlook. Last thing I tried is OpenVINO which enables Intel devices for object detection, works great with ssdlite_mobilenet_v2 model.

DeepStackAI API serverNVIDIA CC 5.0 (3.5/3.7?)Object detection
TensorRTdeep learning inference SDKNVIDIA CC 5.0 (3.0/3.5?)Object detection
Google Coral TPUneural networks acceleratorn/aObject detection
Ollama/moondream:1.8bvision language modelNVIDIA CC 7.0 (5.0?)Computer vision
Exo/Llamapipeline parallel inferenceNVIDIA CC 7.0 (5.0?)General purpose
OpenVINO Intel iGPU + CPUdeep learning toolkitIntel iGPU, CPU 6th genGeneral purpose

ResortRT: requirements validation

It is not entirely true that TensorRT is supported by CC 3.5 as I have tested on Tesla K20xm and it gives me error. So I would rather say, that is may be supported given some special constraints and not exactly with Yolov7x-640 model generated on Frigate startup.

Exo: Linux/NVIDIA does not work at all

With Exo I have issues, no idea why it does not work on Linux/NVIDIA and gives gibberish results and being totally unstable with loads of smaller/bigger bugs. Llama running on the same OS and hardware on Ollama server works just fine. I will give it a try later, maybe on different release, hardware and some tips from Exo Labs, of how to actually run it.

My recommendation

For commodity, consumer hardware usage I recommend using OpenVINO, TensorRT which enables already present hardware. Buy Coral TPU if you lack of computational power. I do not see reason to run DeepStack as previously mentioned are available out-of-the-box.