Month: August 2023


Dual WAN with failover in pfSense

Once in a while there is outage in my main internet connection. In order to keep everything up and running (fortunately) we can setup secondary WAN over LTE connection. Start with connecting your device (e.g. LTE router) over ethernet cable to pfSense box. Then in pfSense itself go to System.Routing.Gateways and a secondary one. Be sure to first activate your secondary interface in Interfaces. You cannot have same monitor IP on both gateways so try to point at well known addresses. Then go to Gateway Groups and configure as follows: At this point you should have both gateways up and


Proxmox 8 on Scaleway

Bare metal servers offered at Scaleway are at reasonable prices, which can be compared to those on Hetzner. You even get Proxmox installation by default contrary to Hetzner were you need to install Debian first. To setup Proxmox with one public IP anf pfSense with another one you need to order Flexible IP and request for virtual MAC address. Remember that on Scaleway’s flexible IPs gateway is fixed and it is Then for the network configuration: x.x.x.x is primary Proxmox public IP. y.y.y.y is its gateway (with a.a.a.a network with b.b.b.b netmask). z.z.z.z is then your secondary public IP