Tag: Docker Swarm


1000 Docker containers in Swarm mode

I defined Docker Swarm cluster with 20 nodes and created service using Nginx HTTP server Docker image. I scaled it to 1000 container instances, which took a while on my demo hardware. Containers are up and running but to get such statistics from Portainer CE UI is quite difficult, so I suggest using CLI in such a case: I got exacly 1000 containers on my service named “nginx3”. Hardware is not so much utilized, combined 2 servers RAM usage oscillates around 50GB, load stays low as there is not much happening, so even using 20 VM and Docker containers, we


Deploy 20 x Docker Swarm nodes using Terraform and Ansible

If you wonder how to automatically deploy 20 nodes of Docker Swarm and run 100 Docker containers in it, then continue reading. I will show how to achieve this by using Terraform, Ansible and Portainer. Course of action What is Docker Swarm and why I need to have 20 of these? Docker is containers toolkit utilizing cgroups, namespaces which allows to control and share resources of the CPU and operating system. Docker Swarm its a special kind of runtime mode, which allows to run multiple clustered nodes which can be separate physical computers or virtual machines. It gives us scalability